Protecting Your Pet from the Dog Days of Summer

Burr Ridge, IL — The hot, humid and hazy conditions days typical for July, August, and September are known as the Dog Days of Summer. Pet owners must be aware that dogs and cats can suffer from the same heat-related problems that humans do, including over-heating, dehydration, and even sunburn. Preemptive action taken now before heat exhaustion occurs can make the difference and help your pet have a safe and enjoyable summer.

The Chicago Veterinary Medical Association offers simple precautions that pet owners and families must take to protect their companion animals from the elements all summer long.

  • Always bring plenty of cold water, along with a portable bowl when out with your pet to ensure proper hydration.
  • Never leave your pet alone in a vehicle, as overheating can quickly lead to death. Dogs and cats do not sweat like humans; sometimes, they are unable to pant fast enough to cool down. Even with the windows open, or located in the shade, a parked vehicle can quickly become a furnace on a hot day.
  • Don’t force your pet to exercise after a meal in hot, humid weather. Try to exercise in the early morning or later in the evening when the temperatures are cooler, and keep long walks to a minimum. It is up to you to pay careful attention, since your pet does not always know to say when. The minute your dog goes from walking in front of you to lagging behind you is usually a sign that he or she has become too exerted or overheated.
  • Never leave your dog standing on hot asphalt for long periods of time as the body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads may burn.  
  • Provide plenty of shade as well as a well-constructed doghouse for a pet that spends time outside. Bring your animal inside during the hottest part of the day and supply plenty of cool water. It is best that cats remain indoors on extremely hot days.
  • Offer a cool or air conditioned room for your pet. Old and overweight animals require extra attention in hot weather. Short nosed, large heavy coated breeds, and dogs with heart and/or respiratory problems are at greater risk for heat stroke.
  • Maintain a well-groomed pet to prevent summer skin irritations. Shaving a heavy-coated dog’s hair to a one-inch length will help prevent overheating. Cats should be brushed more often in the summer to help thin-out any excess fur. Exercise caution to not to shave the hair all the way down to the skin, as this will remove protection from the sun and can expose your pet to sunburn.
  • Watch out for any changes in skin color, since pets are not immune from skin cancer.
  • Do not take your pet to the beach unless shade and plenty of fresh drinking water are readily available. If swimming in salt water, thoroughly rinse your pet to prevent skin irritation.

With the onslaught of these Dog Day of Summer, be prepared now with a plan in advance of an emergency and know the location of the nearest veterinarian and emergency veterinary medical services. Store the information for your doctor or the emergency clinic in your cell phone and on the refrigerator. If you suspect the slightest problem or discomfort in your pet, call a veterinarian and make an appointment for an exam.

For more information about the CVMA, please visit



The CVMA is an association of over 1000 veterinarians and 4000 support staff who lovingly assist more than one million Chicago area pets and their families.
The membership of the CVMA is dedicated to the health and well-being of animals through its nurturing of the human animal bond. The CVMA will strive to fulfill the diversified needs of its members by providing nationally recognized CE programs, cultivating membership involvement, and offering innovative member services and exemplary public awareness.
Since 1896, the CVMA has continued a proud tradition of providing its members with vital services and programs which have expanded dramatically over a century to meet the ever-changing needs of the veterinary profession and its diverse patients and clients